Important Update: Morley Border Crossing Closure
Hey there, Nogales neighbors, customers, and visitors! We've got news to share that affects our everyday lives, especially if you regularly cross the border between Nogales, Arizona, and Mexico. It's all about changes happening at the Morley border crossing, and we want to make sure you're in the know.
Starting Monday, September 25, our border-crossing routine has a big switch-up. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO), Area Port of Nogales has announced that they're redirecting all pedestrian traffic from the Morley crossing to the DeConcini crossing.
The Government of Mexico is giving the State of Sonora's Customs building at the Morley crossing a well-deserved facelift. This renovation project is all about improving the facilities and infrastructure at Morley, making it even better for all of us who use it.
This redirection of pedestrian traffic to DeConcini is temporary and will last until November 25.
To help you navigate these changes like a pro, here are some tips:
1. **Plan Ahead:** Give yourself plenty of extra time when crossing at DeConcini. It will be busier than usual as the traffic processed by two crossings will now be done by one.
2. **Stay Informed:** Check out the Twitter profile of the Tucson Field Office Director, Guadalupe H. Ramirez. That's where you'll find the most current announcements about border crossings in Nogales. Use other local sources like the Facebook group "Como Esta La Linea Fronteriza."
3. **Crossing Documents:** Make sure your border-crossing documents are up to date and ready to go for the DeConcini crossing.
We can work towards a smoother process by proactively planning for this transition.